Russia: Jaqiw Kuk'akïxi

Aka uraqpachan Rusia-x suma jilt'anak churatawa, ukat jaqi juk'akïtapax jach'a suypacharuw llakisïwayi, kunawsatti Unión Soviética-n jan walt'atapat Rusia-ruw jan uraqipar arxatirin jaytaspa.

Rusia-n taqpach jakäw suyt'äwipax aka uraqpachankiwa, kawkiriti ‘Belarus, Korea del Norte-r ukat Mongolia-mpirux qhipharuw jaytanuku, ukañkamax aka uraqpachan Rusia-n taqpach jan wawaninakapax 196-niwa. Jichhapachax Rusia-n niya 138 waranq jaqiw utji, ukat waljaniw lup'ipxi, kunati uka jakhüwiti niya 100 waranqar juk'aruchanixa, Rusia-x janiw nayrar mä jach'a markjam sartañ atkaniti.

2011 lapak phaxsin War News Update Blog-ax RIA Novosti sutinchata «Russian Military Has ‘No One Left To Draft-at» mä qilqt'äw taqir uñicht'ayäna:

Russia has no conscript-age young men left to recruit, Russia's chief of the General Staff complained on Thursday.

The current conscript service crisis in the Russian Armed Forces is mainly due to demographic decline, bullying and brutal treatment of conscripts.

General Nikolai Makarov said only 11.7% of young men aged 18-27 were eligible for the army service but 60% of them had health problems and could not be drafted under law.

Rusia-n kwartilar sarir waynanakax janiw utxiti sasaw illap urux Rusia-n Estado Mayor p'iqt'irix arsüna.

Jaqi juk'aruchäwi, asxarayaña, ukat kwartilankirinakax janiw jaqirjam uñjatapkiti, ukat askpachapin jichhapachax Rusia Fuerzas Armadas-an kwartilar saririnakax jan sint utxiti.

Jilïr Nikolai Makarov-ax 11.7% waynakiw 18 – 27 marankam kwartilatakjamapxäna, ukampins 60%-tux janiw k'umarapkänti, ukat taykan kamachirjamax janiw katuqatapkänti.

A Russian Naval Honor Guard welcomes Navy. Adm. Mike Mullen to St. Petersburg, Russia on May 6, 2011. (Department of Defense photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley/Released/CC BY 2.0)
A Russian Naval Honor Guard welcomes Navy. Adm. Mike Mullen to St. Petersburg, Russia on May 6, 2011. (Department of Defense photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley/Released/CC BY 2.0)

Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences Blog-ax mä Christopher Hoeppler of McMaster University-n juk'aptayäwipamp qalltäwipamp taqir uñicht'ayäna, kawkirinti kunaymantuqit aruskipasïna:

The Russian Federation experienced a surge in death rates of almost 40 percent since 1992, with numbers rising from 11 to 15.5 per thousand […]. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought with it many social, political, and economic changes that continue to affect Russia to this day. Although all countries progress along the demographic transition model differently, general trends are shown. Nonetheless, Russia appears to be experiencing a unique transition of its own. Each country experiences population decline for varying reasons, such as disease diffusion as experienced by Africa with the AIDS epidemic; others can be caused by societal advancements that lead to lower fertility rates.

Population decline was evident in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, which is why it serves as an interesting case study. On the surface it is counterintuitive that the state of the country would worsen after the fall of the communist party; however it is likely that political turmoil was responsible for the onset of the demographic problem in Russia. A number of factors including economic, lifestyle, health care, and disease incidence have contributed to Russia's decrease in population. […]

1992 marat Rusia-nkir Federación-ax niya pusi tunk jiwat jiljatäw uñjäna […]. 1991 maran Unión Soviética-n jan walt'äwipax Rusia-ruw mayjt'ayäna. Ukampirus Rusia-x mä mayjt'äws uñjkasp ukjamaw amuyasi. Sapa jach'a markaw may may jan walt'äwinakat jaqi juk'aruchäw uñji, jisnawa, Africa-n chankru usun aqatatatapata; yaqhipanakax jaqin nayrar sartatapatrak juk'aptapxi.

Unión Soviética-n jan walt'ïwitx Rusia-n jaqi juk'aptatax qhanänwa, kunatti mä uñanchjamawa. Partir kuministan jan walt'äwipatxa, jach'a suyux janiw walt'kaspati; ukampins Rusia-n pulitikjamakiw jan walinak uñstayäna. Chiqans Rusia-n jaq juk'aptañapatakix may may jan walt'äwinakaw yanapawayi. […]

Tukuyañtakiw 2011 lapak phaxsin Blog-ax mä qilqat uñicht'ayäna, «A Steady Loss of Talent Makes Russia's Demographic Collapse Worse»: jawillt'äw Moscú Yatiyäwinakat emigración-ar nayrar kuttayi :

Beautiful young Russian women compete to be mail order brides for European, North American, and Australian men. Ambitious and competent young Russian men compete for overseas positions — anything to escape the dreary dead-end that Russia has come to represent to so many of its young.

Walja uñnaqt'an tawaqunakaw Euopa-nkiri, América del Norte-nkir ukat Australia-nkir waynanakan muniripañtak atipt'asipxi. Anqäxan irnaqañtakix walja Rusia-nkir yatxatat waynanakaw atipt'asipxaraki.

Russia has not seen anything like it since 1917, reported. Over 1.25 million people have left in the last 10 years, the news portal reported. “The country is hemorrhaging intellectual potential,” cited political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin as saying. “The most active, the cleverest and the most mobile are leaving.”

Nawsru. com-ax yatt'äwayiwa, 1997 marat Rusia-x janiw ukjam uñjawaykiti. Qhipha tunka maranakan niya 1.25 waranq jaqiw sarxapxi.»Jach'a suyux ch'ikhi kankañap chhaqhayaski,» Dmitry Orishkin pulitik aruskipt'iriruw jawilt'äna. “The most active, the cleverest and the most mobile are leaving.”

Yaqha jawillt'äwixWorld Crunch-at, jutäna:

Not for the first time, Russian scientists are taking their considerable knowledge and moving abroad. Some of the brainy emigrants cite funding problems and Russian red tape as reasons to move. For others, heading West is simply a lifestyle choice.

…Russian graduate students prefer just about any small, unknown laboratory in Europe over the brand-new Russian scientific complex [Skolkovo]. “A stable trend has been established: 100% of working young people who get the opportunity to work abroad leave Russia,” said one scientific analyst. “If a young researcher gets the opportunity to enter the international arena, he or she will do it.”

Indeed, the trend extends beyond scientists. In October, 2011, a survey found that 22% of Russian citizens in general were prepared to leave the country. The only thing that sets the scientists apart is that they tend to be much more welcome by the receiving countries. “It’s not even really about the lack of financing for scientific projects, but general quality of life,” said one of the scientists. “If regular people are not coming back to Russia, then why would scientists do so?”

Janiw nayrirïkiti, Rusia-nkir wali yatxatatanakax yatiñanakapampipxiwa, ukat anqäx markar sarasipki. Mä qhawqha ch'ikhisirinakatakix qulqi jan walt'äwiw sarxapxañapatak kawsi. Yaqhipanakatakixa, ch'iqatuqin nayrar sartatapax mä jakäwikiwa.

… Europa-n Rusia-nkir tukuyat yatiqirinakax lawuraturyu munapxi [Skolkovo]. «Mayaw utt'ayasiwayi: anqa markan 100% irnaqir waynaw irnaqañ jikjatapxi,» sasaw mä wali yatxatatax säna. «Mä yatxatir waynati yaqha markanakar mantañ jikjatanixa, juparux walikiw sarani.»

Chiqans wali sum yatxatatanakax jayaruw puripxi. 2011 taypi sat phaxsin mä yatxatäwiw jikjatasïna, kunatti 22% Rusia-nkiriw jach'a suy jaytjañtak wakicht'atapxäna. Wali sum yatxatatanakarux jach'a markanakan suma katuqäwipakiw jaljtayaspa. «Chiqpachans jan amtäwitak qulq utjatatäkiti, jan ukax suma jakañatawa,» sasaw maynïr yatxatatax sarakïna. «Aliq jaqix janiw kutt'ankiti, ukat kunats wali sum yatxatatanakax uka pach lurapxaspa.

Global Economy Matters Blog-ax sänwa, kunatti mä qhawqha lurat ch'amt'ax Rusia-nkir jilïr irpirinakankänwa:

Back in 2000, Russia achieved what Russians consider a dubious milestone, deaths (2,225,300) outnumbered births (1,266,800) by an astounding 958,500. The crude birth rate had sunk to 8.7 births per 1,000 population. Along with a crude death rate of 15.3, natural increase hit an all-time low of –6.6 per 1,000, or –0.7 percent rounded off. The total fertility rate (TFR) bottomed out at 1.195 children per woman. The crisis, as it was seen to be, was definitely noticed, but nothing really effective was done until 2007 when Vladimir Putin announced a baby bonus of the equivalent of $9,000 for second and further births. Putin has been an outspoken advocate for raising the birth rate and improving health conditions in order to avoid the consequences of sustained very low fertility. The program must have worked since births in 2007 jumped to 1,610,100 from 1,479,600 the previous year and have rising ever since. This is one of the very few “success stories” in the industrialized countries’ efforts to raise the birth rate.

2000 maran Rusia-x jan jikjatkayä uk jikjatäna, kunatti Rusia-nkirinakax kunaymantuqit amuykipapxi. Yurïw jakhüwix 2.7 yurïwinakaruw 1,000 wawat puriwayatayna. Jichhakamax jiwat jakthapïwix 15.3 jiljatäwit 6.6-ruw 1,000-t purïna. Usur warminak jakthapïwix 1.195 wawaruw sapa warmit purirakïna. Jan walt'äwix q'alaw amuyasïna, ukampins 2007 marakamax janiw kunas luraskänti, kunapachati Vladimir Putin-ax payïrimpitak pusïr yurïwimpitakiw $9,000 qulqi paylläw utjani sasaw yatiyäna. Putin jilatax taqikunat arxatirïnwa, 2007 marat wakichäwix nayrar apasiñapänwa. Nayrar sartat jach'a markanakan akax mayïr nayrar sartäwinakkiwa.

Yaqhipanakax jaqi juk'aruchäw jan utjañapatakiw ch'amapxi. Organizaciones Religiosas Internacionales ukanakax Rusia-n jaqi jan anch utxatapat amuyawapxi, ukat aka uraqpachan jan sulluñ utjañapatakiw jupanakar mayachthapisipxi, kunjamati 2011 lakan phaxsin United Families International-an uñicht'ayasïna :

“Mother Russia” is experiencing an unprecedented decline in population.  In the last 20 years, it is estimated that an astounding 80 million unborn Russian children have been aborted.  On average, a Russian woman over the course of her reproductive life will have seven abortions.

Combing that high abortion rate with a fertility rate of 1.2 (a fertility rate of 2.1 is needed for replacement of population), Russia stands to lose over one-third of its population every generation. “We’re losing almost three quarters of a million people every year,” said Alexey Komov, chairman of the Moscow Demographic Summit that was held this last June.

«Tayka Rusia-x» jaqi juk'aruchäw uñjaski. Aka qhipha pä tunka maran niya 80 waranq sullu wawaw sullsuwayata. Ukat ukjamakiskan ukax mä Rusia-nkir warmix niya paqalqun sullsuni.

Sullump 1.2 usur warmimp mayachthapitax 2.1 usurinakampiw munasi, sapa kutiw Rusia-x niya chikat jaqip chhaqhayi. «Sapa maraw mä waranq jaqit niya chikat jil chhaqhayasktana,» sasaw Cumbre Demográfica de Moscú-n jilïr p'iqt'irix säna.

Population Research Institute-n lurat wiriyuw uñicht'äwir mayachthapitäna, kawkiriti sänwa, kunatti jilïr irpirinakan wakichäwinakapax jaqi juk'aruchäw suyt'ayañ muni, ukampins taqi ukanakax taqpachaw qullu:

Ultimately it’s a matter of faith and spirit that determines how many children people decide to have,” said Phillip Longman, lecturer and author of The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity. “That’s not something the government can really do. That’s something society can do.

Qhipharux sapa mayniw qhawqha wawaniñs tantiyt'i sasaw Phillip Longman, The Empty Cradle-n qilqiripax säna: Kunjams Sulluñanakax Aka Uraqpachan Nayrar Sartäwipar Asxarayi. Ukx jach'a suy irpirinakax janiw lurañ atipkaspati. Ukx jaqikiw luraspa.

Aruskipäwimp qallantama

Amp suma, qillqirinaka Mantaña »


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