China: Hulunbuir Grassland-ax Qhuya Irnaqäwinakan Tukjatawa

Inner Mongolia Ch’iqa amstan Hulunbuir Grassland-x jikxatasi, akax jiwa pastu pamapanakas quqa quqanakas jawiranakas ukat qutas ukjamanakanirakiwa, kawkhanti Mongolia awatirinakax uywanakap waqaychapxi. Ukjamarakiw mä taqin sarañäwja. Ukampins quri apsuñäwjätapat chhuxlla pampax mäkiw qarxti.

Hulunbuir Grassland-an chhaqtatapa

2012 maran sata phaxsin tunka payan uru saraqataruw Weibo-pan  mä Shanghai Baiyi blogero-x walja jamuqanak apkatäna, ukat uñjapxañapatakix yaqhanakar ukjamaw amtayäna:


This post has been deleted many times, please help by forwarding it quickly. Hulunbuir Grassland is one of the most famous grasslands in the world. There are more than 120 kinds of grass in this piece of land, including meadow, wheat, alfalfa and spear grass. That's why it is known as the «shepherd brass kingdom». It is also a tourist spot in summer, when you can see blue sky, green land, and shepherds riding horses freely on a huge piece of land. However the coal mining industry is destroying everything here.

Aka apkatatax walja kutiw pichsuwayata, mirä, mäki uñicht’ayäwtuq yanapt’ama. Aka uraqpachan Hulunbuir Grassland-ax wali uñt’atatawa. Aka uraqin 120 mayj mayj pastuw utji, akarux trijus alphas ch’aphi pastus ukat pastu pampas ukjamanakarakiw yapkatti. Ukat “reino de bronce pastor”, sasa uñt’ata. Ukjamarakiw jallu pachan mä taqin uñjat chaqt’awa, kawkhanti laram alaxpachas ch’uxña pampas ukat awatirinaks qaqilunakar lat’xatatpach ukjam uñjarakisma. Ukampirus akan qhuya luräwinakax taqikun tukjaski.

Hulunbuir Grassland destroyed by coal mining activities. Baoyi's Weibo Photos.

Aruskipäwiruw Zhai Ming Lei wali uñt’at blogero-x mayacht’asïna [zh]:


This is too tragic. Hulunbuir Grassland is one of the two pieces of grasslands left in Inner Mongolia (the other one is Xilin Gol). It has been well preserved. Who decided to do coal mining here? This is such a stupid decision. How can the authorites gives up such a precious piece of grassland but spend so much energy on a small island [referring to the Diaoyu Island conflict].

Akax sinti jan waliwa. Inner Mongolia-n Hulunbuir Grassland-ax mayïr jaytjat uraqiwa (mayïristi, Xilin Gol ukarakiwa). Walir uñjatawa. Akan khithis qhuya luräw lurañ amtawayäna. Akax jan wali amtawa.
Kunjams jilïr irpirinakax mä suma pastu pampa jaytxapxaspa, ukampins mä jisk’a islan ch’amaw inamay tukuta.

Grassland-an jakäwinakat Zhai-x qhanancht'äna [zh]:

草原为啥挖不得,内 草原黑土层很薄,薄的地方甚至只有半米。黑土下面就是古海洋的沙层。所以草原很容易沙化。现在保护还来不及,来挖矿是加速沙化。加速 沙尘暴。尼玛的,当地政府人员死绝了吗?没人管吗?

How come we can't dig the grassland? The top layer of the soil is very thin, as thin as 0.5 meter. Below the soil is a sand layer from the ancient ocean bed. That's why the grassland is easily subjected to sandification. We should have spent all our effort to protect it. Now the mining activities will increase the speed of desertification and the sand storms. Are all government officials dead? How come no one is handling this?

Kunats pastu pampa jan allsuñ atksna. Pata laq’a uraqix wali sillp’akiwa. Aynachan pata uraqix ch’allakamakiwa. Jichhax qhuya luräwinakax jilxataniwa. Taqi irnaqirinakat jiwatapxi. Kunats akatuqit jan khithis yäqki.

Jupax sänwa [zh]:


The Mongolians have never dug their land since the ancient time. They don't even dig wells to get water. They see the land as their mother and sky as their father and will never dig up their land. They don't even eat the roots of any vegetation. The mining activities is not only a destruction of the natural environment, but also a cultural invasion. (Looking back in history, the first well was opened during the Sino-Japanese War when the Japan army invaded Manchuria and they were worried that the Chinese army would add poison the lake. Now the situation is much worse than during war time.) Stop the crime in the grassland!

Nayratpach Mongoliano-nakax janipiniw uraq alliwäpkiti. Janirakiw uma jikxatañtakis phujunak allirapkiti. Jupanakax uraqx mamapäpkaspas ukat alaxpachax tatapäpkaspas ukjam uñjapxi, ukat janiw kunäkipans allipkaniti. Ukjamarakiw janiw kuna achu saphinaks manq’apkiti. Qhuya luräwinakax janiw mä jakäwir tukjirxamakïkiti, jan ukax mä luräwir jan walt’ayir kunawa. (Qhipha uñtasaxa, nayrïr phujux Chino – Japones nuwt’asïwin allsutäna, kunawsati Manchuria-ruw Japon ijirsitux mantarantapxäna, ukat jupanakax llakitapxänwa kunati qutaruw Chino ijirsitux jiwayir qulla uchapxaspa. Jichhax jakäwix ch’axwäw pachat sipan juk’amp jan waliwa). ¡Pastu pampan jan wali luräwinak suyt’ayxapxama!

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