Talibán markax Peshawar markan mä ejército yatiqañ utax utjki ukar aynacht'aykana, 2014 marana, 148 jaqiw jiwana, 132 wawarakiw uka taypinkäna, ukham utjatapatax awkinakapax jisk'a wawanakapar khitañx asxarxapxanwa.
Ukampirus yatiqañ utanakax luräwinakapamp sarantxapxiwa, mäphaxsi arch'ukiwinakata. Jichhax mä yatiqañ utaw uñt'ayaski.
Jan ukhamakipansti, mä phaxsit yatiqañ utanakax luräwinakapar sarxatxapxäna, asxarañanak axasa. jichhax, mä jatiqañ utaw esperanza uka t’aqhisiw taypin jalutataski. Colegio de Peshawar por la Paz ukax 6 uru llamayu paxsina 2015 marana ch’allt’ataxäna, religionakan suma sarnaqäwi, jisk’a imillanakatak yatichäwi ukhamarak maynikiñatak uka amtaw sartayaña utji. Activista australiano de justicia social Francis Venturan utt’ayatawa, khä Organización Juvenil de Peshawar uka yanapt’awimpi. q’alpach comunidades religiosas jaqinakaw irnaqapxi mä pachp wiphal chuymani:
Learning in unity today, leading in harmony tomorrow.
Jichhürux maynikjam yatiqt’as, arumanthix armoniamp sart’ayasa.
Aka video khä canal de YouTube uksachiqan uñt’ayatawa:
Ventura, Maryum Daniyal ukhmarak Aleina Ali Shah, jupanakax uka proyecto irnaqapxi, Global Voices ukax amtawinakapxat jikxatawinakxat ukhamarak yatiqañ utan sarnaqt’atanakxat jupanakamp aruskipt’äna.
Global Voices (GV): jallu qallta paxsin 2014 maran traumáticos acontecimientos utjkän ukjat, ¿mä yatiqañ uta irptiri, religiones, ukhamarak jisk’a imillanakatak yatichäwi ukham yatiqañ ut qalltañax ch’amanti?
Francis Ventura (FV): The Army Public School massacre sent shockwaves through the entire world. It is a well-known fact that many youth in Peshawar are still suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. So in this long-standing context of extremist threat – particularly after the APS attack – our determination is strengthened and the need for a youth-led peace movement is made more urgent. We stand firmly on the side of humanity. We will always continue with our work in the face of pure evil, because so long as any child anywhere in the world is suffering due to poverty or conflict, all of humanity is weakened as a result.
Francis Ventura (FV): ): ejercitonkiri jan payllas yatiqañ utan jiwayasiwi utjkan ukahax q’alpach uraq pacharuw chuyma ch’allxtayi. Mä wali uñt’ata chijiwa kunakitix walja waynanakaw Peshawar markanx estrés ukampiw t’aqhisisipkaki. ukhamat aka j’ach’a sinti asxarayawi contextona – juk’ampirus khä ejercitun jan payllas yatiqañ utar jan waltayki ukxat ch’amacht’asiwa ukhamarak khä movimiento de paz waynanakan p’iqinchata, firmementepxtwa uraqinkir jaqinakapchikt’ata. llanqhachaw chhaqtayañatakix sartasipkakipunijawa, kunalaykutix kawkha uraq pachanaskpas mä wawatix khä willullu ukats ch’axwats t’aqhisi, ukjax q’alpach uraqinkir jaqinakax pisi ch’amaniw uñjasi.
Mariyum Daniyal and Aleina Ali Shah (MD & AAS): After the heartbreaking event of 16th December, 2014 it was quite challenging for us to practically launch a Peace School in Peshawar. It isn't easy to work on interfaith harmony and girls’ empowerment especially in Peshawar but so far we have achieved good results, and we are looking forward to spreading this message of Peace throughout Pakistan.
Mariyum Daniyal ukat Aleina Ali Shah (MD ukat AAS): chuyma ch’allxtawi utjkäna khä 16 uru jallu qallta paxsin 2014 maran ukjatx khä Peshawar markan nanakatakix mä sumankäwi yatiqañ uta qalltañax mä axanwa. Juk’ampis Peshawar markanx, janiw jasakiti irnaqañax armoníamp religionanak taypin ukhmarak jisk’a imillanakar pukarañchañampi. Jichhakamax suma phuqawinakaw jikxatapta, ukhamarak wali ch’amampiw sartañ munasipka q’alpach Pakistán markar sumankäw mensaje yatiyañataki.
GV: currículum ukax tolerancia religiosa uka jaluntañataki lurt’atati. ¿akax ch’amati, kunakitix Peshwar markax mä imir uraqichixaya?
MD & AAS: Everything; starting from the launch to convincing people on trusting us with a peace-oriented curriculum, was a big challenge, thankfully people have shown their trust in us. The society understands how important it is to build a peace-promoting generation now.
MD ukat AAS: qalltt’añatakix sisristwa jaqinakar ijawsayañatakix ukhamarak jaqinakax nänakar atint’assiñapatakix aka sumankañatak curriculum lurtanpix, mä j’ach’a axawanwa felizmente, jaqinakax nanakar atint’awi uñacht’ayapxitu. Markachirinakax lup’iw katthapipxiwa kunakitix jichhhax mä puñta sumankäwi jaluntañapatakix wali askiw wakt’ayaña.
FV: The beauty of what we teach is that it is embraced by the local community. At our inauguration ceremony, we had scholars and community leaders from the Islamic, Christian, Hindu and Sikh communities all publicly speaking about the need to enhance respect among people of different faiths, as well as celebrating commonalities. They also specifically endorsed the Peshawar School for Peace as a model to achieve this. Most importantly, the feedback from parents has been overwhelmingly positive. We promote education for all – before anything else, we are all humans so we just love and appreciate each other.
FV: Yatichapkt ukax wali suma chuymamp markachitinakapan katuqt’atawa. Nänakan ceremonia ch’allt’awinx, académicos, líderes de la comunidad de los grupos islámicos, alaxpachankir awkir yupaychirinka, hindúes ukhamarak sikhs ukanakaw jutapxäna, taqpachaniw yäqasiñ jach’aptayañ munawxat aruskit’asipkta kunalaykutix kunayman religionanaktaypin yäqasiw utjañapataki, kunjamakitix kuntix chuktana uk uruyaña. Ukhamarak wali arxatt’atapxiwa khä Peshawar markan sumankäwi yatiqañ utxat ukhamarak mä thakikaspas phuqt’añataki ukham uñjt’atawa. Wali askiw kunjamakitix awk taykanakax wali suma lup’iwimp katuxt’ki. Taqpachanitak yatichäwiw jaluntapta- kawkir nayrïr yätsa, taqiniw uraqinkir jaqitana ukhamakipanx jiwaspurax munasipxtanwa ukhamarak q’ayachasipxtanwa.
GV: extremisttuqit yatiqañ utax asxarayatänti?
FV: As a matter of protocol, we are unable to publicly discuss specific security matters pertaining to the School. However as individuals, we understand that there are those driven by evil, and we are aware of their actions elsewhere. The team is driven by an unflinching passion to build a better future for the children of Pakistan, and nothing will cause that desire to waver.
FV: kamachinakapan janiw yatiqañ utanakar chiqancht'at arsupkiristi. Jan ukhamakipansti, jaqinakjamax yattanwa, kunjamakitix yaqhipanakax llanqhachaspiniw sartapxi, ukhamanakarx uraqpachanaw uñjtanxa. Equipox por una pasión inquebrantable impulsatawa mä suma jutïriñapataki, Pakistán wawanakatak janiw kunas sayt’ayapkitaniti aka mata phuqañatakixa.
GV: yatiqañ utan nayrïr amtäwipax kawkirisa?
FV: Our main goal is to achieve peace in Pakistan. We aim to achieve this through education, based on two critical pillars of development – social cohesion and girls’ empowerment. Additionally, we aim to bring the people of Australia and Pakistan together, the School has already held its first Skype call with a class in Australia, as well as encouraging our students to become global citizens, ready to serve humanity for the better and be ambassadors for peace.
FV: nayrïr amtanakajax sumänkawi Pakistán markan phuqañawa. akxa yatichäwchiq phuqañ munapta, ukatakx pä pilares fundamentales de desarrollo uñxatt’asa –markachirinakan maynicht’awipampi ukhamarak jisk’a imillanakan pukarapampi. Ukhamarus Australia ukhamarak Pakistán markanak mayachthapiñ munapta. Australia markarx yatiqañ utax mayïr jawst’aw Skypechiq lurt’xiwa, ukhamarak nänakan yatiqirinakajar ciudadanos globales ukhamar kiptxañapatak aruñcht’xi, wakicht’ataptwa uraqinqir jaqinakar luqtañataki ukhamarak sumakäwi embajadorañanakataki.
GV: Proyecton amtawipax australian ukhamarak pakistan waynanakan mä relación sartayañatakiti. Akax relaciones saludables a nivel diplomático unxtayaniti?
FV: You are correct – we are strengthening the citizen-to-citizen links between Pakistan and Australia. We hope that as a result of the growing links between our countries, diplomatic relations will also expand. Fortunately, Australia and Pakistan already enjoy a very robust friendship. There are regular visits between our countries by senior military personnel, government ministers and business delegations. There are thousands of young Pakistanis working and studying in Australia. In addition, we enjoy strong support from the Pakistani Consul-General in Sydney as well as the Australian High Commission in Islamabad. After the APS massacre, over 1,000 people came together for a vigil in Sydney’s Hyde Park to remember the victims and stand in solidarity with Peshawar. When Australian cricketer Phil Hughes was killed in an accident, candles were lit across Pakistan. This project gives me an opportunity to combine my love for Australia and Pakistan and bring people of each country together.
FV: Chiqankasktawa –Pakistán markachirinakan ukhamarak Australia markachirinakan maycht’asxapxañapataki ch’amancht’asipktwa. Esperanza utjapxapxitu kunakitix maynicht’asiw utjkan markanasan ukjax relaciones diplomáticas ukanakax walxaptarakiniwa. Afortunadamente, Australia ukhamarak Pakistán markanakax ñäw mä sólida amistad ukampiw chikanchasipxi. Markanakasanx sapa kutiw militar superior jaqinak t’umt’awinaka katuqt’apta, ministros de gobierno ukhamarak delegaciones de negocios. Australia markanx waranq paquistaníes waynanakaw yatintasipki ukhamarak irnaqasipki. Ukhamarus, Consul General de Pakistán en Sydney ukhamarak Alto Comisionado de Australia en Islamabad ukanakat wali jach’a yanapt’aniptwa. Ejércitonkiri jan payllas yatiqañ utan jiwayasiwix utjkan ukjatx Hyde Park de Sydney ukanx waranqats jila jaqinkaw mä vigiliar tantacht’asipxäna ukasti jiwirinakat amt’asiñataki ukhamarak Peshawar markar khuyapt’ayäwi uñacht’ayañataki. kunawsatix críquet australiano Phil Hughes anatirix mä chijin jiwkan ukjax q’alpach Pakistán markanx velanakaw naktayasïna.
GV: Anqäx markankirjamax ¿Peshawar markatx kamsasmasa?
FV: Peshawar is my second home. I love everything about it. The incredible culture, rich in tradition and history. The warmth and generosity of its people. Their beautiful smiles. My heart is warmed every time I visit this magnificent place. People are always fascinated by meeting someone from a foreign land. As an Australian, conversations generally turn to cricket. I look forward to the day when delegations of Australian students can have the opportunity to visit Peshawar and experience the pleasures it has to offer.
FV: Peshawar markax payïr utajawa. akanx q’alpachaw jiwaki. Wali khusaw culturapaxa, tradición e historia jukirini. Suma katuqt’asir ukhamarak khujapt’ayasir marka. Jiwakiw lart’asiwinakapasa. Aka markar sapa kut jutkt ukjax chuymajax k’uchisiwa. Anqäx markankir jaqinak uñt’apxi ukkhax aksa jaqinakax wali k‘uchipxiw. Australianjamax siristwa críquet ukxatpuniw aruskipäwinakaxa. Kunürus Peshawar markar australianos yatiqirinakax jutapxapunchiniy tumpt’iri ukhamarak uñjt’iri.
GV: warminakjamax kawkiris Peshawar markan irnaqat’at sarnaqäwimaxa?
MD & AAS: Working in Peshawar on a peace project and also being women is not an easy thing to do, we face hardships and difficulties in everyday life, but that doesn't discourage us. What we think is that when you really want to do something, nothing can stop you.
MD ukat AAS: Peshawar markan mä sumankäwi proyecto irnaqañax ukhamarus warmiñax janiw ukax jasakiti lurt’añax. Sapür jakawinx kunayman jan walt’awinakampiw jiqxatasipta, Ukampitsa janiw sayt’ayapkituti. Nänakax kunawsatix kuns chiqsas munktan ukkhax janiw kunas sayt’aykstuspata.
GV: Yatiqañ utan jiltäwipat arxaytapxita.
FV: It’s been about one year and a half since my first Skype conversation with the Peshawar Youth Organization, which became the inception of the project. We started with nothing – no money or contacts – just a dream. In that time, we have built a coalition of Partners for Peace across the world, including various United Nations bodies, the Malala Fund, businesses such as NetSol Technologies, Sunrise Marketing and Mark Industries, as well as religious and community groups such as the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews – the interfaith body of the respective religions’ peak representative bodies. Nowadays, we have an operational School, inclusive of pre-nursery and class one, as well as the Community Engagement Center. Close to 30% of our students are from the various minority communities, and a majority of the children are girls. Given that harmony between different faiths is severely lacking and that only 35% of girls in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region are literate, this is a significant achievement. We are looking forward to growing and spreading the message of peace and a common humanity throughout Pakistan and the entire globe.
FV:FV: ñä mä mar chikaw mayïr Skype ukan Organización Juvenil de Peshawar jupanakap aruskipt’äwijax saraqt’xi, ukhaw aka proyectx qalltayixa. Qalltaptpachaw jan kunani- jan qullqini jan chikanchasirinakani– mä samkaki. Uka pachanxa, walxa entidades de Naciones Unidas ukanakampkuna, Fondo Malala, NetSol Technologies, Sunrise Marketing ukat Mark Industries imprisanakax ukhamarak religiosos tamanakax markanakamp kunjamakitix Nacional Australiano de Cristianos, Musulmanes ukhamarak Judíos – yaqha religiosos mä coalición de Socios uraqpachan sartayapta. Jichhax mä colegio operativo jutjapxitu, juk’ampirus preescolar, primeros grados, ukhamarak mä Centro de Participación de la Comunidad. niya 30% yatiqirinakax may may markanakatapxiwa, ukanx jilpachax imillanakaw 35% imillanakaw Khyber Pakhtunkhwa markan ullt’ir qillqt’atäxapxi, akax mä jach’a phuqäwiwa. Thaqasipktwa jiltaña ukhamarak q’alpach Pakistán markan ukhamarak uraq pachan sumankäwi mensaje jaluntañataki.
GV: kuna mensajes uraqpachar churañ muntaxa?
FV: We cannot allow the future of humanity to be lost to those who represent evil and seek to impose it through violence and division. A better world is possible; we just have to strive for it. Everyone who believes in justice, peace and a common humanity must continue to strive for this. Social cohesion, while a beautiful phenomenon, is delicate and must be nurtured.
The attacks on the All Saints Church and Army Public School – as well as countless others – are examples of a situation in which evil prevails.
We invite all loving, good natured citizens of the world to stand with us. Become part of the movement for peace, which is already made up of people from many religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We can only do this with your support. It is not the cause of any particular individual or organization – it is the cause of all humanity. Our Facebook page provides regular updates of the project and anyone is welcome to get in contact with us to pledge their support.
Together, and only together, we can and will achieve a better world. The future of humanity depends on it.
FV: FV: Janiw markachirinakan jutïripax chhaqtaykaspati, llanqhachirinakax thakapxiwa t’aqhisïwi ukhamarak yaqhtayäwi ukhamat markachirinakar uksachiq jan walir sarayañataki. Mä suma uraqix utjaspawa; ukatakix sartañasapuniwa. Khitinakatix inipkta justiciytuq sumankäwtuq ukhamarak jumanaktuq ukatak sartasipkañanakamakirunirakiwa. jaqinak mayacht’äwix jiwakiwa, ukhamakipanx ukax uñjañasawa.
Todos los Santos yatiqañ utar ukhamarak jan payllas Ejérciton yatiqañ utar llankhachäwinaka –juk’ampinak– ukanakax mä uñañt’äwiwa kunjamatix llanqhachäwix utjaskakipuni.
Q’alpach suma chuyman markachirinakar achikt’apsnawa nänakamp chikt’atañanakamataki. Sumankäw sartäw uka taypinkañanakamataki, ukax walxa orígenes religiosos jaqinakamp sartayatawa, étnicos ukhamarak culturales. Akax jumanakan yanapt’awipampiw lurt’asispa. Janiw akax mä jaqink janirakiw mä organización particularan sartapakiti – taqpachanin sartawipawa. Nänakan página de Facebook ukanx sapürjamaw kuntix lurt’asiski ukax apkatt’ataski ukanak uñjt’añatakix taqiniw achikt’atapta ukhamat contact’asiniñanakamataki kunalaykutix yanapt’asiñataki.
Taqpachanikipunirakiw atsna ukhamarak phuqsna mä suma uraq sartayañataki. Markachirinakan jutïripax ukar jamaw utjani.