Colombia: Karmata Rua-r Saräwisa

Aka apkatatax jiwasan wakiskir Indigenous Rights-at yatiyatasawa.

TodoLoQueHay Multimedia web jichhakiw Colombia-t Emberá-Chamí-n mä ch’usasïwit apkati khithinakatï Karmata Rua-mp uñt’ayaskapayax achachilanakapan sutinakapamp uñt’ayasiñ yant’aski.

Imatax Andes Jardín-amp jaqthapïwjankiwa. Canal-atakiw Daniel Quintero-x video waraqi:

Estando allí, Daniel Quintero usó su tiempo para apuntar su cámara y capturar colores, actividades y gestos de los habitantes de este resguardo que cuenta alrededor de 150 años de existencia y hoy acoge a cerca de 1600 personas.

While there, Daniel Quintero used his time to point his camera and capture colors, activities and  expressions of the inhabitants of this reserve that is around 150 years old and which today welcomes about 1600 people.
Ukañkamax kunayman luräwinak apsuñtakiw Daniel Quintero-x jamuq apsuñ apnaqäna, kawkiritï  150 maranakanïxiwa, ukat jichhürux niya 1600 jaqiruw katuqi.

This post is part of our special coverage Indigenous Rights.

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